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学生行为办公室通过公平公正的过程来支持威尼斯游戏大厅的使命和精神,以维持一个卓越的社区, 安全与品格. Consistent with this mission, The Office of 学生的行为 will:
- 保护利益, rights and values of 威尼斯游戏大厅 by upholding all local, 州和联邦法律.
- 让学生和学生团体负起责任,让他们了解自己的行为,以及他们如何影响更大的校园社区.
- 鼓励学生质疑他们自己的价值观,并确定他们如何采用支持他们理想的替代行为模式.
学生行为报告: Complete this form to file a complaint with the Office of 学生的行为. A hearing officer will respond to the complaint.
校园气候报告: 校园气候响应协议通过提供一种机制来推进这一承诺,个人可以通过该机制报告真实或感知的偏见事件, 排除, or inequity and seek support through campus resources in addressing those concerns.
第九条 & 性行为: Important information on how to report sexual misconduct; including sexual harassment, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力和跟踪.
Pio的支持: 学生支持团队通过协调支持服务和适当的干预措施来帮助陷入困境或据报道表现出麻烦或令人担忧的行为的学生,从而支持威尼斯游戏大厅的学生保留和健康的校园社区.
a. 1974年的联邦家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)禁止教育机构向任何第三方披露学生的教育记录信息, 包括父母, 未经学生同意. 威尼斯游戏大厅 strictly adheres to FERPA provisions, 然而, 但也有例外情况,包括涉及相关学生的健康和安全, 一再违反滥用酒精或非法/受管制物质的行为,或一再出现学生不当行为的模式. Instances in which a parent/guardian are contacted for misconduct, notifications will be made in partnership with the student.
b. Students may request a FERPA waiver from the 学生行为主任.
对学生不当行为的处罚是根据个人情况制定的,注重个人发展, 个人成长,如果可能的话, reconciliation and restoration where harm has been done. Many avenues are utilized to achieve this goal including reflections, 项目, 罚款, 恢复对话, mentorship opportunities and developmental conversations. 在严重不当行为的情况下, 威尼斯游戏大厅 reserves the right to remove the student from the campus community.
Students are required to comply with requests from the Office of 学生的行为, including participation in the hearing process. 学生是否应该不遵守规定, 可以在被指控的个人缺席的情况下做出决定,并且将在学生账户上收取50美元的违规费用.
Students are permitted to have advisors present in their hearing. 然而, 顾问的目的是作为一种支持/提供信息的措施,可能不与听证官沟通。.
- Procedural error that prevented a fair decision;
- Material misstatement or misapplication of the University rules, regulations or polices alleged to have been violated;
- Decision not supported by substantial evidence; or
- 经合理努力不能发现并在听证会上介绍的新发现的物证或者事实.
如学生手册所述, 《威尼斯彩票游戏》适用于校内和校外环境以及在线和数字空间(包括社交媒体和博客平台)。.
The term “more likely than not” is the standard of proof used in all conduct proceedings. It is equivalent to the legal standard of “preponderance of evidence.在这个标准下, 一个学生, 注册的俱乐部, 学生组织, 兄弟会和姐妹会组织, 只有在行为过程中提供的信息会导致理性人得出结论认为被指控的学生更有可能违反学生行为准则,或团队才会被认定对违反学生行为准则负责, 注册的俱乐部, 学生组织, 兄弟会和姐妹会组织或团队的行为违反了学生行为准则.
是的. Upon receipt of notice from the Office of 学生的行为, a student may request a copy of their documented incident. This must be done more than 24 hours in advance of the hearing. 为了所有相关人员的隐私,姓名和其他被视为敏感的信息可能会被编辑.
The 学生的行为 process is based on fairness and equity. Alleged individuals will be able to read all pertinent information, provide their account of the situation and explore reasonable outcomes. 听证官将根据所提供的所有信息做出决定,并得出学生是否应负责任的结论.
Students are responsible for knowing and understanding all policies and procedures. Lack of knowledge is not an excuse for misconduct. Students are encouraged to contact university officials if unclear about a specific policy.
- 可以拥有酒精饮料, purchased and/or consumed only by persons of legal drinking age, and only in areas designated by the university.
- 任何个人不得, 出售, dispense or give alcoholic beverages for or to an underage individual. 这包括举办未成年人持有酒精饮料的聚会.
- 醉酒和/或滥用酒精是不能容忍的,也不能作为非法行为或不当行为的借口.
- 根据学校制定的指导方针,允许在经批准的威尼斯游戏大厅中饮用酒精饮料.
- Alcoholic beverages of any kind are strictly prohibited at university athletic events, 在大学拥有或租用的车辆, 在教室里, unless permitted by guidelines established by the university.
- 酒精饮料永远不能作为成就的奖励或作为奖品或奖励.
- Common alcohol sources, such as kegs, are prohibited.
- Regardless of age, alcohol related paraphernalia 是被禁止的.
- 任何醉酒的人将被视为持有酒精饮料.
对涉嫌酗酒案件的审理程度取决于具体事件的具体情况, 过去的历史或行为违规, 被指控的违法行为的严重程度, as well as other 违反 which may have occurred simultaneously.
- 一级酒精违规 会不会收到书面警告, 100美元的罚款, 以及可能包括参加酒精和其他药物滥用(AODA)评估或教育方案的额外制裁.
- 二级酒精违规 可能会导致150美元的罚款和额外的处罚,可能包括通知父母, and participation in an AODA assessment or education programs.
- 第三级酒精违法行为 可能会导致200美元的罚款和额外的制裁,其中可能包括通知家长和参加AODA评估或教育计划, and/or referral to the Carroll Conduct Board which may result in probation, 悬架, or termination from housing and/or dismissal from the university.
*第一, 根据具体事件的具体情况,二级和三级酒精制裁可能更为严厉, 过往违反行为纪录, 被指控的违法行为的严重程度, as well as other 违反 that may have occurred simultaneously.
- 拥有, 出售, 分布, 生产, 或非法使用/误用, 控制, 或禁用物质是被禁止的.
- 占有, 使用和/或分发任何强奸药, 包括但不限于迷奸药, 克他命, 迷奸, 迷药, 没有处方, 是被禁止的, and administering one of these drugs to another students is, 另外, a violation of the Sexual Misconduct policy. More information on these drugs can be found at http://www.911年强奸.org .
- 随身物品:拥有随身物品, 包括但不限于烟枪, 水烟, 按比例缩小的, and pipes for the purpose of illegal drug use 是被禁止的.
- Prescription drugs are 控制 substances. The use of prescription drugs for non-medical reasons 是被禁止的. Prescription drugs may only be used by the student who m they are prescribed.
所谓非法的程度, 控制, 而违禁品的审理将视具体情况而定, 过往违反行为纪录, 被指控的违法行为的严重程度, as well as other 违反 which may have occurred simultaneously.
- 第一个 level illegal, 控制, or banned substance 违反 会不会收到书面警告, 100美元的罚款, 以及可能包括参加酒精和其他药物滥用(AODA)评估或教育方案的额外制裁.
- Second level illegal, 控制, or banned substance 违反 可能会导致150美元的罚款和额外的处罚,可能包括通知父母, and participation in an AODA assessment or education programs.
- Third level illegal, 控制, or banned substance 违反 可能会导致200美元的罚款和额外的制裁,包括通知父母和参加AODA评估或教育计划, and/or referral to the Carroll Conduct Board which may result in probation, 悬架, or termination from housing and/or dismissal from the university.
*第一, 第二个, 第三层是非法的, 控制, 或者,根据具体事件的具体情况,对违禁物质的制裁可能更为严厉, 违反行为的历史, 被指控的违法行为的严重程度, as well as other 违反 that may have occurred simultaneously.
学生行为主任 & 预防暴力